Clean Safe Water
According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics in their 2009 Kenyan census, only 30 out of every 100 Kenyans have access to piped safe water. Nyanza Province, where Muguna is located, scores the lowest at 7 out of every 100 individuals.
During the inaugural FOY visit in 2009, the overwhelming majority of community members pointed to the lack of clean, safe water as the primary deterrent to achieving a better quality life. The village also needs a reliable water source for small subsistence agriculture and domestic livestock use. Lack of clean water poses increased risks of water-borne diseases.
Therefore, securing clean and safe water became the centerpiece of FOY’s mission of assisting the Muguna community in the continuous improvement in quality of life. We are so proud of our work to establish a borehole in the village. However, our work isn’t done yet. Our goal to provide every household access to a source of clean water.
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Water is indispensable for human health. Water is also crucial for sustainable development, including the preservation of our natural environment.